Vol 1, No 1 (2023) : Journal of African Economic Perspectives
Macroeconomic Stabilization Effects of Public Expenditures: Empirical Evidence from Tanzania
This study examines macroeconomic stabilization effects of public expenditures in Tanzania. The study used co-integration and error...
The Productivity of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato as Influenced by Organic Manure and Inorganic Amendments in Dodoma Municipal
A new variety of orange-fleshed sweet potato (Carrot-C) has been introduced in Dodoma Municipal but appropriate soil nutrient management for...
Poverty Dynamics and Its Drivers in Tanzania: A Lesson to Poverty Reduction Policies
Poverty has been understood to be dynamic in nature. Some people remain in poverty for long periods, but there are others who periodically move...
Adoption of Multiple Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in Mbeya and Songwe Regions in Tanzania
Climate change is the leading global problem which affects agricultural development and household food security. Climate-smart agriculture...