Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Editorial Board


Prof. Pambas Basil Tandika: Associate Professor,  the University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Associate Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Placidius  Ndibalema, Senior Lecturer, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Managing Editors

Ms. Sabrina Msangi: Assistant Lecturer at The University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Ms. Aziza Atugonza Dauda: Assistant Lecturer,  The University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Associate Editors

Prof. Jackline Amani: Associate Professor, Mkwawa University College of Education, Tanzania

Dr. Mohamed Msoroka: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations, Adult and Distance Education, Faculty of Education, the Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania

Dr. Godlove Lawrent: Senior Lecturer, The  University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Dr. Rose Chikopela: Lecturer and Head of Department (Department of Primary and Secondary Education), Chalimbana University, Zambia

Dr. Samson M. Tsegay: Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University-UK

Dr. Joel Kayombo: Senior Lecturer, Dar es Salaam University College of Education, Tanzania