Please read these guidelines carefully before you proceed with the submission of your article to JALCLI. Any submission which does not conform to Journal Scope, Authorship Policies, Ethical Guidelines and other policies Shall not be accepted by the Journal. Do not refer to any published article to format your work; use these guidelines to prepare your paper for submission.
1. Manuscript
- Manuscript submitted must be original articles, book reviews and commentaries on recent judgments,
- Original article must have between 5000 and 8000-words including footnotes and references
- It should be in MS word format
- Should be submitted via jalcli website
- Language of the manuscript should be English
- A text should use Times New Roman Font 12 space 1.5
- Footnotes should be single spaced
2. Title and other information
- The title should be concise and informative not exceeding twenty words
- It must be written in 14 font size
For example:
Protecting Consumer’s Rights Against Counterfeit Electronic Products in Tanzania
Multiparty Suits in Tanzania: A Case for Class Actions
2.1 Other information
Name of the author, affiliation, email address and ORCID must be provided
Abstract should contain between 150- 250 words
Key words must be 3-5
3. Headings
- Headings must be as short as possible.
- Hierarchical numbering is used for headings.
- Main section headings are in bold, capitalizing the first letter of key words and numbered:
For example:
- Introduction
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Sectional subheadings are in bold lower case and numbered as follows:
For example
2.1 Legal framework governing public interest litigations in Tanzania
2.2 Institutional framework governing public interest litigations in Tanzania
- Second tier and further subheadings are in lower case italics and numbered as follows:
1.2.1 The challenges facing legal framework governing public interest litigations Practical challenges facing public interest litigations in Tanzania
- Other hierarchical orders are presented as follows:
4. Direct Quotations
- Quotations in the text should not exceed three lines and are indicated by single quotation marks.
- Quotations in excess of three lines should be stand-alone, indented both sides and quotation marks should NOT be used.
5. Italics
- Italics are used for titles of the books, names of journals, names of the newspapers and parties of the case.
For example:
A book- An Introduction to Investment Law
A journal- Journal of African and Contemporary Legal Issues
A newspaper – The Citizen
Parties to a case – Attorney General v Rebeca Gyumi
- They are also used for foreign words in the text (words or phrases NOT listed in a standard English dictionary).
For example:
Inter alia
Amicus curiae
6. Abbreviations
- Abbreviations of terms are given in brackets the first time the term is used (either in the text or in a footnote).
- Thereafter the abbreviation should be used consistently.
For example:
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)
Environmental Management Act (EMA)
- Abbreviations in citations are used in footnotes, but NOT in the text.
For example:
s 3
art 27
7. References and citations
- Footnotes are used for references and citations.
- Endnotes and in-text referencing are NOT used.
7.1 Citations in Footnotes
- Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and inserted using the automatic
- “Insert footnote” function in MS Word.
- Footnotes starts with capital letter and ends with full stop
- Use abbreviations in the footnotes especially with regard to provisions of the law example use s/ss for section(s), para for paragraph
- When multiple sources are referred to in one footnote, they have to be separated by semi-colons and preferably chronologically ordered
- Citation of sources
- Books
- A first reference to a book should indicate the author’s surname, initial(s) of the author’s other names, Book Title (in italics) (edition, if any), (Publisher, Year of publication, in the bracket).
- The page number referred to should be indicated after the brackets.
For example:
Curci J, The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property (Cambridge University Press 2010) 3.
Kothari CK, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (Second Revised Edition), (New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers 2004) 67.
- Chapters in books
- Titles of chapters should be in single quotation marks.
- The page number referred to should be indicated.
For example:
Marwa R and Mwanga E, ‘Tanzania: Energy Policy’ in Tiess G, Majumder T and Cameron P (eds.), Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy (Springer 2018) 5.
Clavero B, ‘Treaties with Peoples or Constitutions for States: A Predicament of the Americas’ in Kuppe R and Potz R (eds.), Law & Anthropology: International Yearbook of Anthropology, Vol. 12 (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2005) 10.
- Journal articles
- Citations should indicate the author’s surname, initial(s) of the author’s other names, ‘Article Title’, Title of Journal (in italics), (Volume number (if any), Issue No. (if any) and year in the bracket).
- The title of the of the article should be in a single quotation mark.
- The title of the journal should be in italic
- The page number referred to should be indicated.
Mwanga E, ‘Tanzanian Environmental Impact Assessment Laws and Practice for Projects in World Heritage Sites’ The Journal of Environment & Development (Vol. 31, No.1, 2022) 90.
Chimanda L, ‘Decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: An Appraisal of Separate Opinions of Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz’ Commonwealth Law Review Journal (Vol. 6, 2020) 115.
- Theses and Dissertations
- Citation should be author’s surname, initial(s) of the author’s other names, ‘Title of Thesis/Dissertation’ (PhD Thesis/LL.M Dissertation, Name of University Year) page number referred
For example:
Mkami B, ‘Access to Criminal Justice and Laws Governing Powers of The Director of Public Prosecutions in Tanzania: Lessons from India and The United Kingdom’ (PhD Thesis, University of Dodoma, 2021) 20.
Mgaya GM, ‘Legal, institutional and practical challenges of the people-centered principle in the East African community’ (PhD Thesis, University of Dodoma, 2021)12.
- Official Reports
- Citation should indicate the name of the institution issuing the report/ author’s surname, initial(s) of the author’s other names, ‘Title of the Report’ (Institution issuing the report Year) page number referred.
For example:
World Bank, Tanzania: Country Environmental Analysis Environmental Trends and Threats, and Pathways to Improved Sustainability (World Bank, 2019) 20.
Spalding MD & Leal M., ‘The state of the world’s Mangroves,’ (Global Mangrove Alliance, 2021)78.
- Conference papers
- Author’s surname, initials of author’s other names, ‘Title of the Paper’, a paper presented (name of the conference in italics) (Place, Year in bracket) page number referred.
For example:
Ataya Z., ‘Management of Wastes Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Field Located Offshore Abu Dhabi, UAE,’ a Paper Presented at the 2008 SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium (2008) 3.
Veil J., ‘Drilling Waste Management: Past, Present and Future,’ a paper Presented at the Society Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (2002)2.
- Citation should be author’s surname, initial(s) of the author’s other names, ‘Title of the Article’ Name of Newspaper (in italics) (Place of Publication, date, month and year of publication) page number referred
For example:
Kivunge JA, ‘SADC Summit 2019: Tanzania’s Engagement in SADC-Past, Present and the Future’ The Citizen, (Dar es Salaam, 29 July, 2019)3.
Kimeu C, ‘Hopes rise for press freedom in Tanzania as number of censured journalists falls’ The Guardian, (Dar es Salaam, 9 January, 2023) 1.
- Multiple authors
- Where the number of authors does not exceed three, the names of all authors should be written
For example:
Mwashambwa B & Marwa R
Mality S, Malangalila P & Mallya E
- Where the number of authors exceeds three the name of the first author followed by ‘and Others’
For example:
Keenja N and others
Baruti E and others
- Where a book, a chapter in a book or a journal article is cited more than once the second and subsequent citations should give only the surname of the author(s) and provide a cross citation (in the form (n n)) to the footnote with the full citation and the page reference.
For example:
Chimanda (n21)12.
Danda (n10) 1.
- Where the subsequent citation is in the footnote immediately following the full citation, ‘ibid’ should be used where the page number referred is the same
- Where the page number referred is different, ibid should be used plus page number
For example:
Ibid 14
- Where a law is cited more than once, the second and subsequent citations should cite only the name of the law without other qualifications (in the form (n n) to the footnote.
For example:
Petroleum Act (n3) s 87
Land Act (n7) s 4.
- Citations of electronic publications should end with the web address (or ‘url’) in angled brackets (<…….>
- It should include the date when the source was last visited.
For example:
United Nations Climate Change ‘Joint WIPO Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property’ <> accessed 23 January 2018.
Zervos N and Gaspar G, Oil and Gas in Tanzania, 2019 <https://www.> accessed 21 October, 2023.
- When citing an interview conducted by the author, citation should be, interviewee surname followed by initials of his other names, interview by author (full date and the location/place of the interview)
For example:
Msika N, interview by author (22 May 2023, Dodoma).
Juma A, interview by author (12 June 2022, Dar es Salaam).
- When the interview was conducted by someone else, the interviewer’s name should appear after the phrase ‘interview by’.
For example:
Mgelwa J, interview by Hamis H, (20 April 2023, Dar es Salaam).
Masoud K, interview by Sekela M (13 June 2022, Iringa).
- Citation should be as per respective law report
- Names of the parties written in italic and should be separated with ‘v’ not ‘versus’ or ‘vs’
For example:
Tanzania, Director of Public Prosecutions v Daudi Pete, TLR 22
Jacqueline Ntuyabaliwe Mengi v Abdiel Reginald Mengi
When writing dates, use the style ‘24 May 2024’
- Upon receiving a revised manuscript, editors will check your work to see whether the review queries have been adequately addressed. In case of major revisions, editors may forward the revised manuscript to the same reviewers or assign a third reviewer for further confirmation.
- If there are additional comments from the reviewers, you will be asked to work on them and submit a second revision.
Copyright & licencing issues
- If your article is accepted, you will be notified and sent a contributor agreement form that will address licence and copyright issues. You will be asked to sign and return a copyright agreement form, in this case:
- You will be required to check your author details and confirm whether they are correct.
- You will retain Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user license
- You will be allowed to keep the copyright of the paper but grant publication rights to JALCLI.
Production process
- After submitting the licence form, the production process of your article will begin. This will involve editorial checks, copyediting and typesetting.
- The proofs will then be returned to you. You will be asked to work on the proofs and return a corrected paper within two business days. This will be the last opportunity for you to correct typographical errors, grammatical errors or incorrect author details. Extensive changes after this stage are strictly not accepted.
- Finalised articles may be published online as “online first articles” before being assigned to the issue and volume. A full issue will be published as per the issue schedule. All articles will be assigned DOI after being assigned to issue.
- You will be emailed a link of your published article
After Publication
You are hingly encouraged to share the web-link of your article into your networks so that your work can have more impact.