Journal of African Law and Contemporary Legal Issues

Articles and Issues

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Residual Liability in Tanzania’s Offshore Upstream Petroleum Operations: The Legal Framework
Decommissioning of offshore upstream petroleum installations presents challenges related to residual liability and protection of the marine...
Challenges of Redressing the Victims of Unfair Terms in Standard Form Consumer Contact under the Fair Competition Act No. 8 of 2003
The Standard Form Consumer Contracts (SFCCs) are used in the provision of goods and/or services as an instrument to facilitate transactions...
Mandatory Reinsurance Cessions in Tanzania: Relevancy and Unprecedented Development of Legal Framework
It is alleged that, immediately after independence, inadequate local reinsurance capacity has had an effect of fuelling the drains of foreign...
Law and Morality: Perspective from Yoruba Cultural Jurisprudence
Western jurisprudence is replete with several but seasoned debates concerning what the precise relationship is between law and morality. In...
Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights in Tanzania Vis-À-Vis Powers of the Commissioner General to Make Tax Assessment
Noting the concern of taxpayers about the powers of conducting tax assessments, this article examines the Commissioner General’s powers to...

Journal of African Law and Contemporary Legal Issues

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024) Current Issue