Vol 1, No 1 (2022) : Journal of African Law and Contemporary Legal Issues (JALCLI)
The Journal of African Law and Contemporary Legal Issues (JALCLI) is an official Journal of the School of Law of the University of Dodoma. Generally, the Journal publishes articles, case notes and book reviews providing an analysis and examinations of national, regional and international laws. The Journal provides a forum for discussion of legal issues and exchange of legal ideas among lawyers, academics and researchers. In particular the Journal of African Law and Contemporary Legal Issues focuses on human rights, rule of law, investment law and natural resources law in Africa and emerging legal issues within and outside Africa.
Implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees in Tanzania: A Synopsis
On 10 December 2018, the United Nations adopted the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), a soft law that draws its origin from the New York...
Bail in Mainland Tanzania: An Overview of DPP’S Certificate on Denial of Bail
Bail is a universally recognized fundamental human right. The right requires a person not be forfeited his liberty except after he has been...
Analysis of Legislative Reforms in Consolidating Citizens’ Participation in the Mining Sector in Tanzania
This article analyses the participation of Tanzanians in the extractive sector since reforms were introduced to natural wealth and resources in...
The State of the Law on Small Scale Mining in Tanzania: Challenges and Prospects from Colonial Period to Present
Small-scale mining sub-sector employs thousands of local Tanzanians. However, the laws and government officials have neglected this sub-sector...
Legal Status of Stabilisation Clauses vis-à-vis Legislative Actions: The Implications in the Current and Future Investment in the Petroleum Industry in Tanzania
Stabilisation clauses are one of the key protection tools for investors in the petroleum industry. The clauses protect investors from unilateral...
Transparency as a Tool in Realising Citizen Participation in the East African Community
Transparency plays an important role in the realisation of a people-centred regional integration. In the East African Community (EAC) context,...
Assessing the Repression Of Constitutional Coups in Africa Through the Lens of the Malabo Protocol on International Crimes
Since the turn of the 21st Century, we have been witnessing ‘constitutional coup’ in many African countries masterminded by leaders determined...
Examining the Implications of the East African Community Strategies on Irregular Migration Governance
In recent decades, governance of irregular migration has attracted the interests of many Regional Economic Communities (RECs). This is due to...
Ominde Sweta Versus Robert Manyama, The High Court of Tanzania, Musoma District Registry, at Musoma, Land Appeal No. 120 of 2020 (Unreported)
This case has attracted my attention to write a case review. In Tanzania, the law establishes separate machinery with exclusive jurisdiction to...