File Format
Microsoft Word Format
Font Type & Size
Bahnschrift Light Semi Condensed. Font size 12
Article length
- The length of a journal article should be between 7,000 – 10,000 words, including abstracts, main text, tables, figures, notes, references and appendices.
- Shorter contributions and book reviews should not be more than 3,000 words.
- All text should be in Bahnschrift Light Semi Condensed with page numbers centred at the bottom of the page.
Text alignment
- Article abstract should be indented
- Main text should be justified except for headings and subheadings (in bold)
- First-level headings should be bolded and numbered in Arabic numerals (eg. 1, 2, 3, e.t.c)
- Second-level headings (sub-headings) should be bold but not numbered, third level headings should be italicised (not bold)
The Journal prefers the use of English (British) language. It is highly advised that authors engage professional language editors to go through the manuscripts before submission
Provide a concise title of your article
Provide the abstract of your research article, preferably not more than 250 words. Among others, it should outline the main argument(s), the research approach/methods and highlight key contributions. The abstract should be indented.
Key words
Provide 3 to 5 keywords that capture key issues discussed and that can easily help to make your article to be easily recoverable
Footnotes and end notes should be kept to a minimum. They should be in 10 font sizes numbered in Arabic numerals
Tables & Figures
Tables and Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals with the caption placed on the top (for the tables) and at the bottom (for figures). Where appropriate, the sources should be specified.
All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points.
Citatation and referencing Style
References should follow APA 7th reference guide but in line with the following formatting:
- Intext citation (at the beginning or in the middle of the sentense)
· Pastory (2022) for a single author
· Pastory & Chang’a (2022) for two authors
· Pastory et al. (2022) for three authors and above. Note, “et al” should be in italics.
- Intext citation (at the end of the sentense)
· (Pastory, 2022)
· (Pastory & Chang’a, 2022)
· (Makulilo et al., 2022)
- Citation for more than one work
· (Rodrick, 2018; Paget, 2020; Shimba & Mwakalobo, 2021; Pastory, et al., 2022)
- Where direct quotation has been used, page number(s) should be added in the following format: Mmassy (2022:10)-when the material are quoted from a single page, or Mmassy (2022:10-12)- if page ranges are involved.
- It is encouraged that, in edited volume, cite a respective author(s) of articles/chapters in the book and not editors of the book
References should be indented and should strictly observe the following format:
Journal Article (Single Author)
Shayo, D.P. (2022). Digitalising Democracy. Journal of African Politcs, 2(2):1-38.
Journal Article (Two Authors)
Makunja, A.B., & Mukama, A. (2022). Democracy and Development, Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1):60-90.
Journal Article (More than Two Authors)
Pendo, P., Changalawe, H., Makula, A.B., & Mgeta, A. (2022). Democracy and Development, Journal of African Politics, 3(1):60-90.
Journal Article with a DOI
Bannet, S. A. (2005). Exploring psychosocial disorders among primary school children: a qualitative approach. Journal of Public Health, 9, 489. 9-382.
Journal Article
with an Article
Mihayo, E., & Jackson, J. (2019). Belief in constructivism approach: Implication on pyschosocial skills. PLoS Two, 14(12): Article e0325974.
Book (Single Author)
Kessy, A. (2023). Local Government in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press.
Book (Two Authors)
Bleck, J., & Van de Walle, N. (2018). Electoral Politics in Africa since 1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book (More than two Authors)
Bee, K., Celin, H. B., & Brian, I. S. (2013). Information Behaviour Concept: A Basic Introduction. New Jersey: University of Life Press.
Organisation as
Tanzania Institute of Education. (2015). Standards for educational Management. Dar es salaam: Government Printers.
Ludovic, T. (2004). The developmental social psychology of children. Children Associates.
Chapter from an E-book
Jones, N. A., & Wilson, C. M. (2008). The neurophysiology for mental health. In G. D. Genes & P. W. R. Windhoek (Eds.), Empathy in mental disorder. Dublin University Press.
Book Chapter
Ndulu B.J., Mbowe W.E., and Hunter E. (2019). “Ethnicity, citizenry and national building in Tanzania”. In: Hino H, Langer A, Lonsdale J and Stewart F. (eds), From divided pasts to cohesive futures: Reflections on Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: pp. 98–122.
Article in an encyclopedia
Gothbert, D. (2007). Physiotherapy. In E. Paschal & T. Murrel (Eds.), Gale encyclopedia of physical disorders (Vol.3, pp. 326-428). Gale.
Conference paper
Aumueller, D. (2005), "Semantic authoring and retrieval within a wiki", paper presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion, Crete, available at: (accessed 20 February 2007).
Paper Presentation from the Internet
Wrightt, S. (2016, March 25-26). What is the use of 3d user interfaces, and can we continue using? [Paper presentation]. ILEL Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Entebbe, VA.
Unpublished Paper Presentation
Adolph, Z., & Newcastle, Y. (2014, June). Integrated waste management system [Paper presentation]. Enviromental Conservation Symposium, Adis Ababa.
Newspaper Article in Print
Kissanga, T. (2004, October 5). Covid 19 Pandemic: What strategies can we use to overcome health crisis? The Gurdian: Extra, p. 6.
Newspaper Article with URL
Mahenge, H. (2010, January 28). Construction of new classrooms offers hope to increased enrolment. Daily News.
Published Thesis
May, B. (2017) A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Canopus Publishing.
Unplublished Thesis/dissertation
Venance, T. (2015). Language for life [PhD thesis], University of Dar es salaam].
Wizkidsk, T. [@Wizkids]. (2018, February 20). Fiscalproof survey @birdseconomics, great-Scientific findings,live catts #Developmenteconomics: [Tweet].^google| twcramp^sirk|twgr^audho
Note: Use APA 7th Referencing Guide on how to reference other sources not listed here. For books, JAP still demand place of publication.