Head teachers’ pedagogical leadership strategies in supporting children’s transition from pre-primary to primary school in Tanzania


This study explored strategies to support children's transition from pre-primary to primary school. It employed a case study design, and semi-structured interviews were administered to nine head teachers and nine pre-primary school teachers from nine public primary schools in Mpwapwa and Chemba District, Tanzania. The collected data were subjected to content analysis. The study’s findings revealed that the provision of teaching and learning resources, stakeholder or community engagement, teacher motivation, a supportive school culture, and learning follow-up are essential pedagogical leadership strategies employed by head teachers to support children's transition from pre-primary to primary school. The study recommends the implementation of pre-headship training programmes and in-service training on Early Childhood Education (ECE) management for head teachers, as well as the provision of increased budgetary allocations for pre-primary education. Since this study was conducted in the pre-primary educational aspect, the study also recommends conducting further research on other aspects of school readiness in an attempt to enable children to easily navigate the transition process into the education system. 
