Utilisation of performance-based rewards to improve teachers’ work performance in Tanzanian secondary schools


In this study we explored the heads of schools utilisation of performance-based rewards (PBR) to improve teachers’ work performance (TWP). The study employed a qualitative approach and an exploratory case study design. A sample of 20 participants, including heads of schools, teachers, ward educational officers (WEOs), and internal school quality assurance officers (ISQAOs), was selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection methods involved interviews and documentary reviews, and were analysed using thematic analysis . The findings revealed that heads of schools utilised the PBR to motivate teachers to increase students’ pass rates in national examinations, fostering a culture of hard work among teachers, and recognizing and celebrating academic achievements in national examinations. Additionally, the study showed that teaching practice focused on content coverage and lack of a conducive teaching and learning environment impeded teachers from effectively integrating the LCA into their lessons. The study concluded that heads of schools  utilised PBR to improve TWP. The study recommends expansion of the scope of PBR to include the reward of teachers who effectively incorporate LCA into their instructional practices. The study further recommends providing teachers with training on effectively integrating LCA into their instructional practices and creating teaching and learning environments that are conducive to the implementation of LCA. Further research is needed to explore the effectiveness of PBR in improving TWP within the context of private secondary schools. 
