Ominde Sweta Versus Robert Manyama, The High Court of Tanzania, Musoma District Registry, at Musoma, Land Appeal No. 120 of 2020 (Unreported)


This case has attracted my attention to write a case review. In Tanzania, the law establishes separate machinery with exclusive jurisdiction to settle land cases. Ordinary courts, other than courts of record, other than courts of record, ordinary courts have no jurisdiction to entertain and determine land disputes.1 Bodies vested with powers to hear and determine land disputes are Village Land Council, Ward Tribunal, District Land and Housing Tribunal, High Court of Tanzania and Court of Appeal of Tanzania. In this judgment, the High Court of Tanzania at Musoma (Galeba J.) makes a pertinent decision as far as the powers of the Village Land Council in determination of land cases are concerned. The decision in this case has the implication of vesting Village Land Councils with powers and mandates to make decisions which can be challenged by way of appeal to the Ward Tribunals.
